Shirley Bertolasi
Acrylic paint on canvas, wood and metal objects
Find my art at:
Mills Brothers Furniture, Mesquite Ave, LHC
Visionary LHC
About Shirley -
Sisters Art was created by sisters Shirley Bertolasi and Trish Brondyke. Both have been crafting and doing art of one kind or another for 40+ years. Collectively, they have experimented with oil and acrylic paint, mixed media, woodworking, silk dyeing, macramé, furniture refinishing, faux finishing, murals, and paper weaving.
They retired to Arizona in 2018 and began creating art together. Painting with acrylics is a creative outlet for their love of color. The goal is to keep learning by experimenting with various styles & techniques. Their studio space has brushes, knives, garage tools, squirt bottles, markers, spackle, and more. A top priority is to laugh every day so creating never feels like work.